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Another World
3.03 after 374 votes
Genre Jump and Run        Type Games from the early 90´s
System DOS
Producer Delphin Software
Releaseyear 1991
Insertdate 2003-11-12 5:35 PM
Downloaded 165 times (11 times this month)
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Description of the game
This game amazed me back in 1991. It had such a great graphics for that time that it just kept me...astonished (heh, I love that word). The game is a very good action with some small elements of an adventure, but they were too small to make me include it as action/adventure game but more as just an action. The game itself is set in "another world" which I just couldn´t understand, and the player is set in a role of a human that is trying to get the hell out of there. It is up to you now...
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